Monday, 12 October 2009

Kanye West Status Updates for Facebook and Twitter

"Kanye West and Egotistical" Status Updates for Facebook and Twitter

Here's what we got so far (add yours as a comment) :

Kanye West/ John is...
  1. would like to interrupt this Facebook status to tell you that Beyonce should have won best female video at the VMA's.
  2. on the seventh day, took a break from creating the universe and rested.
  3. wakes up every morning and experiences an exquisite joy – the joy of being Kanye West – and I ask myself in rapture: What wonderful things this Kanye West is going to accomplish today?
  4. finds himself fascinating!
  5. is a HUGE admirer of my own work and that of Beyonce's.
  6. finds himself screaming for JOY when he sees himself in the mirror.
  7. notices that the longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and have only wasted my time debating any issue.
  8. has three words for you: "BEYONCE for PRESIDENT!"
  9. is so amazing that if I went to a bar... I'd pick myself up!
  10. Is pissed off at Taylor Swift for interrupting his tirade on why Beyonce's video is the best video of all time.


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